Monday, February 21, 2011

A Second Chance

What would you do if you had a second chance? This is a section cut from my novel, 'A Step Over the Edge' read and enjoy!

We drove in complete silence for about a half hour until finding Scott and Susan’s van upside down in the ditch. The windows were all smashed from the vehicle crumpling down over it-self and it looked like there was little hope of any survival. I tried to imagine what could have happened in my head, the vehicle spinning out of control, catching friction after sliding sideways, and being thrown violently because of the speeds they were probably driving. I assumed it was because they had been speeding, trying to escape Jessica and me.

I took a deep breath before gaining the courage to take a look inside. They were both there, seat-belted in and moaning. They were bloody, hurt, and they were showing their pain through their groans, but most importantly, they were alive. Susan looked over slowly, realised who was staring at her and started screaming. “I’m going to die, please please, why couldn’t it have been anyone else...” She assumed that she was going to die, so she didn’t hold any of her opinions of me back. “You’re a monster! A Monster!” she screamed, “Please just let us die here alone in peace!”

I walked around the wreckage to the front passenger seat where Mr. Thompson had been seated. He looked at me from upside down in a fearful manner, but with more calmness than Susan had expressed. I’m sure he had the same ideas in his mind that Susan had, but he seemed to of lost the desire to care. “Listen Mr. Thompson,” I whispered. “You are not going to die, not here. You have treated me like a father, helped me out in times of trouble, and I truly do care about you. I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done, the pain that I caused, the horror. I’m sorry Mr. Thompson, please forgive me...” I begged for forgiveness, wanting him to see me how he always had before but it seemed hopeless.